
The starting point of your new website |

The starting point of your new website

Open source

Easy content creation

Simple development

Rich content editing
Uploaded media overview
Internationalisation overview
Default theme, based on Tailwind
API overview screen

It's all in the details


Symfony 5 extensions

There’s no limit to the functionality you can incorporate in your Bolt project. At its core, Bolt is a Symfony application, so you can use the tools provided by the framework.


Twig templates

There's a reason why Twig is the de-facto standard across the PHP community. It is flexible, fast and secure. Take a look how easy it is to generate the HTML for your pages.

Built-in internationalisation

Built-in internationalisation

Need more languages? No problem, it's just one line of code. The even cooler thing? With field-level control you can decide exactly which parts of the page will be translated.


Out-of-the-box API

Bolt provides a RESTful and GraphQL API. No extra configuration needed. Use the CMS in headless mode, alongside a static site generator, or simply to feed data into whatever other platform.

Dummy content

Dummy content

Dummy content. You need it to test, or to showcase your work to your clients. Putting it in there is tiresome, though. Good news: not anymore. All you need to do is use one single line of code.

Content editors

Best rich content editors

You get the best content editors: Article and Redactor. Fully licensed for use in Bolt itself. For free. With love. Because we believe creating and adapting content should be easy. Period.


@lala! - 27 July 2024

This is a super tweet tweet

Test news


Read the announcement

🚀 Big Announcement: Bolt 5.0 on the horizon

Hi there Bolt Community ☕️ Our community's outstanding contributions It has been close to 6 months since Bolt's complete rebuild was released, and oh boy, what a journey it has been! In that short amount of time, the core team has accepted over 320 Pull Requests in our main open…

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